Jan-Erik Rediger

Results 54 issues of Jan-Erik Rediger

We see a spike in errors for the [`metrics.search_count`](https://dictionary.telemetry.mozilla.org/apps/fenix/metrics/metrics_search_count) metric ([Our monitoring dashboard](https://mozilla.cloud.looker.com/dashboards/382?Channel=mozdata.fenix.metrics&Submission%20Date=14%20day%20ago%20for%2014%20day), see the "Invalid Label" graph on the top right). Channel: release. The relevant code: https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/blob/01be73255ed18538412c47de5b7304d4aa4115b3/app/src/main/java/org/mozilla/fenix/components/metrics/MetricsUtils.kt#L48 Labels are...


On a local checkout with `components/external/glean` checked out the older ktlint fails, because of trailing commas in Glean files (really these should be ignored regardless, so I'm adding that too)....

The conversion from the UDL definition to the actual Rust signature is not always obvious, especially if just getting started. Optional values, throwable exceptions, `Arc` vs. `&self`, ... Given we...

Fixes #443 To do: * [ ] Docs on how to release this * [ ] Talk to ops to set the environment variables in our CI env

For some reason yet unknown to me we saw empty `data.safe.bin` files for Rkv databases as used inside Firefox by Glean. This causes issues (and crashes) because Rkv bailed out...

As the "safe-mode" storage uses bincode to serialize the data into a file on disk, there should be some tests that this won't break. rkv needs to be able to...

Similar fix as done on Fenix: https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/pull/26165 Should avoid loading the Glean core library too early, but still records the data just fine. Note that Focus doesn't record startup time,...

I have neither the time nor the energy to fulfil the maintainer role here. I failed to spend enough time in the past and haven't pushed out a release in...