Siddhartha Das

Results 9 issues of Siddhartha Das

Showing the correct image of the book cover - At the moment unless the ebook specifies a size for the image the image fills the whole content area and appears...


Add tag dropdown filter to allow user to choose multiple tags show selected tags on footer as a visual indication of filter criteria ![context menu tag design jpeg](

@captain-cavemaaaan Raising this issue to investigate why Bookworm segfaults on Fedora 29 (reported on issue #170) Can you please run Bookworm in debug mode to get some more details: com.github.babluboy.bookworm...

I have updated the Nutty screen shot to reflect the latest version. I have also updated the install instructions to provide the stable ppa and remove the experimental/unstable ones. I...

Thank you for what looks like a wonderful utility. I would very much like to use it. I've exhausted my technical ability to so so, though. I've tried the apt...

As described in #31, running vnstat shows a database not created error if eth0 interface is absent. Create a check for vnstat and manually create the database if no default...


If the required tools like nethogs, nmap, vnstat, etc are missing then raise the error and provide a button for installation of the same. This should be done when each...

Use libxml to parse xml rather than using string parsing logic
