Janos Haber
Janos Haber
Hi! I want to set :default_schema option, how can I do that? b0c1
I want to use postgres with activate 1.6.2 but I got: tested with jdbc3 and jdbc4 postrges driver ``` java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create datasource instance: org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.initializeDataSource(HikariPool.java:502) at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.(HikariPool.java:123)...
Hi, It's welcome feature to create merge request, when I close an issue.  Here is one another checkbox. The extension is not too complicated. The [TaskDialogPanelProvider](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/734eb7add6c4c472e1e342de8153d14f1a66a446/plugins/tasks/tasks-api/src/com/intellij/tasks/ui/TaskDialogPanelProvider.java) call all dialogPanelProvider...
Hi guys, I tried to create a custom editor with a custom list of objects but the saving is failed, because the max length of the serialized data is 8*1024....
Hi guys, How can I handle more than two buttons with CommandLinksButtonType ? I mean, the constructor which using ButtonType is private and the other public constructor can create OK_DONE,...
Hi! There is any way to get the Query object (before the run but after the fillQueryParameters) ? I want to call with Spring Data Pageable object to get paged...
I try to create own xsd processor based on xsdparsercore. ```java public class InputStreamXsdProcessor extends XsdParserCore { public InputStreamXsdProcessor(List inputStreams) { this.parse(inputStreams); } public InputStreamXsdProcessor(List inputStreams, ParserConfig config) { super.updateConfig(config);...
### Issue description Hi guys, now the operationId is based on method name, but it's unusable when my controller methods is defined in a generic class (example CRUD). Maybe a...
Hi! I try to use scct in jenkins with cobertura plugin in multi module application. It's show the coverage report correctly but can't open the source files, because the file...