Janos Haber
Janos Haber
I have same problem, application running on tomcat and it's eat all connection.
Can I do this from gulpfile? I mean browserify my nodejs application using gulp?
@eugener no. The first 3 constructor create a ButtonType (it's not custom, it's `javafx.scene.control.ButtonType`) with pre-filled text, and button data. You can't use your own (custom) ButtonType because the constructor...
Yeah, I found same things. Spring will use two query. My solution: ``` java protected Page asPaged(JPAJinqStream source, Pageable pageable) { long total = source.count(); if (pageable != null &&...
Yeah but I have a problem with this... in spring the sorting is defined in the `Pageable` object... but it's string based... how can I convert it to `CollectComparable` ?
@ilopmar ok I try to explain (if I'll have a little time I'll create a simple example) Now I have a generic `AbstractCrudController` I't s have some method like `list`,`get`,`create`...
ps: you can test the wrong operation id generation if you add the Login/Logout/Oauth controller to your application swagger: ```java @OpenAPIInclude( classes = { LoginController.class, LogoutController.class, OauthController.class } ) @OpenAPIDefinition(...
> > > > Is there a way I can maybe modify the existing serializer in some kind of bean definition? > > My two cents: modifying existing behavior may...
+1 we are waiting the version...
+1 we need it while the IDEA plugin doesn't have console functionality