Azure Lunatic
Azure Lunatic
Requested: (by me) Sample code, per DV.load('', { container : '#viewer-10-general-report' });
By default the /file/edit has newest images on page 1, oldest on page N. Requested feature to be able to sort uploaded images in either direction by date. (Optional: what...
There does not seem to be a FAQ on how to enable keyboard and/or touch shortcuts. Dirty draft: You can enable keyboard and/or touch shortcuts to jump between entries on...
By default, the wee triangle that's used to open the` `situation does not provoke a change in mouse pointer when it is moused over. It ought to, at least on...
Multisearch (the search feature in the strip under the nav bar on site pages and profiles) has Site and Account search, but not Site and Journal search, and unless you...
The Details tag in entries should also respect reading page expand/collapse settings/toggles.
Example: ` ` Hopefully syntax is consistent across the fediverse.
A Previous/Next definition feature (a link to the previously listed definition, and the next listed one) would be lovely and increase the ability to browse through the whole dictionary.
when someone uses in an offsite username, it probably shouldn't produce an error.