
Results 10 comments of Allie

I fixed it by doing: ``` var specUrl = baseUrl.split('spec')[0]+"spec/"; eval(require('fs').readFileSync(specUrl + '../lib/jasmine-node/requirejs-wrapper-template.js', 'utf8')); ```

Yes. I agree this is a bug. It looks in the global jasmine-node directory (and parents) instead of node_modules itself. To test this out for yourself, try ``` define([ 'gaze'...

The way to solve this issue is to install jasmine-node locally, not `-g`, and run it from there (`node_modules/jasmine-node/bin/jasmine-node`). That way, it will search `./node_modules`, `../node_modules`, `../../node_modules`, etc. and eventually... Try on Node 10

Yea, agreed with @timocov. Looks like it's not parsing the import statement correctly because it's not the full path including .js extension. Otherwise i'm not sure - not familiar with...

It's working for me, without removing `whitelistObjectNames`. 0.5.0 as well.

``` Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: error validating "": error validating data: ValidationError(Service.spec.ports[0].port): invalid type for io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServicePort.port: got "string", expected "integer" Error: plugin "diff" exited with...

I encountered this issue as well. Turns out that since I sync my Alfred prefs with Dropbox, this script didn't install to the correct Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows directory. @steyep have you looked...

@steyep My dropbox dir is also `~/Dropbox (Personal)` rather than `~/Dropbox`. It doesn't seem like my dropbox installation came with a `~/Dropbox` symlink