Tom Moore
Tom Moore
When the node first starts, I listen to the navdata topic and watch the rotZ value. If I hold the vehicle down physically and tell it to take off, the...
When I originally bloomed for `iron` a few days ago, I updated the upsteam devel branch to `iron-devel`, but it doesn't appear to have updated in the PR. I just...
Increasing version of package(s) in repository `robot_localization` to `3.5.3-1`: - upstream repository: - release repository: - distro file: `humble/distribution.yaml` - bloom version: `0.12.0` - previous version for package:...
## Feature request #### Feature description The `TransformListener` in `tf2_ros` subscribes to both the `/tf` and `/tf_static` topics and provides a unified transform tree. However, there are many cases where...
Addressses #662. I went with @clalancette's suggestion and just added a `static_only` parameter (with a default of `false`) to the constructors and the `init` method. However, that made things slightly...