Tom Moore
Tom Moore
Sorry, I actually haven't used my drone in ages. I'll try to look into this in the next couple weeks, if that works for you.
I think `fuse` would be an excellent candidate for the standard sensor fusion system going forward. We'll need to add a GPS sensor to it, but once the community understands...
I know very little about `gtsam`, but I will only note that the author of fuse, Stephen Williams, was also [involved]( in the development of `gtsam`. But in the end,...
This is causing one of our dev jobs to fail (though somehow the binary jobs are fine): ``` 17:55:25 /opt/ros/melodic/include/tf2/impl/utils.h:18:10: fatal error: tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.h: No such file or directory 17:55:25...
+1. It seems like using the same logic we use [here]( should work.
If we're OK with changing the API for `TransformListener`, then that's great! We'll have to think about how to add that parameter. It feels a little strange if we have...
Hey! Just an update on this: I went ahead and recorded a bag file using our Husky, and I recorded it with an IMU that is mounted in a non-neutral...
Hi Krystian, I have literally zero time constraints on this, so if you are kind enough to get to it at all, it can be on your own watch. I...