Ayla Cullen
Ayla Cullen
Issue #40: https://github.com/doctyper/flexie/issues/40 Contains fix for 'GET http://domain.com/data:text/css, 404 (Not Found)' error generated by Flexie. This is caused by the ADBlock plugin in Chrome; it inserts 'data:text/css' into the code,...
Occurs in Chrome. After investigating, determined the problem to be caused by ADBlock plugin. It modifies the source code: See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10446575/why-is-chrome-referencing-datatext-css-in-all-websites
Awesome to be able to save a lot of time in being able to copy and paste my creations, but currently, I have to copy and paste different directions and...
Warning from SpongeVanilla 1.11 when loading (also affects 1.10): `[21:00:36 WARN] [Sponge]: Detected plugin with invalid plugin ID 'io.github.hsyyid.essentialcmds' from mods/EssentialCmds-1.10.2-8.1.14-universal.jar. Plugin IDs should be lowercase, and only contain characters...
Too slow for sliding speed when it first loads, swiping on it will make scroll faster. Would like to add option where I can set the speed it is moving...