Ayla Cullen
Ayla Cullen
Two solutions: - Whitelist the domain using the plugin ... or ... - Modify flexie.js to filter out data:text/css
As tinypic only uses Flash to show videos -- Chrome no longer displays those -- tinypic isn't the best site to use at the moment. Since I can't see the...
Seconding this. I am using this in the support button that loads at the bottom right of every page. This means when a visitor lands on the webpage, it immediately...
@binarykitchen See: https://deafhistorycollections.com.au/ Click on button with hand icon at bottom right, click on video message. That's where it will appear. Since it loads on all pages due to that...
I've emailed you a test account you can use to login. Once logged in, go back to the homepage and hit refresh. It will load and bypass the coming soon...
That would actually be perfect. It'd be ideal if I could hit a switch that would have it not show video until hitting record, THEN it asks for permission. Absolutely...
Solved initial sliding speed issue by adding initialspeedboost option: ``` var settings = jQuery.extend({ dampingFactor: 0.93, historySize: 5, autorotation: 0, continuous: 1, initialspeedboost: 0 ``` and: ``` var tick =...