Abhijeet Awasthi

Results 6 issues of Abhijeet Awasthi

Hi @jkkummerfeld, Thanks for open-sourcing the code and datasets. The google drive links for Academic (MAS), IMDB, Yelp, and Scholar databases are not publicly accessible. Could you please share them...

Hi, I enjoyed going through the slides of this tutorial. Thanks for making the tutorial public. Is there a recommended way to cite this tutorial? Thanks,

Hi @taoyds ! I wanted to see the pre-processing scripts used for creating `train_others.json` released as a part of Spider. I basically want to create a geo-query test set that...

Hi @Ciaranshu, Thank you for releasing the code for this paper. Would it be possible to share the base BART models that you obtain from the Snowball training? Thanks,

Hi @OhadRubin , Could you please let me know whether the `final_beam_acc` metric in the code is the same as the BEM metric reported in Table 3 of your paper?...

Hi @OhadRubin , Regarding `is_levelorder_list` defined at the following line: https://github.com/OhadRubin/SmBop/blob/e7a6fce7af5aa5545bd3cfca6c4c4dbef610cd6b/smbop/models/smbop.py#L682 For debugging, I was feeding the validation dataset while training the SmBOP model. I see that `is_levelorder_list` contains all...