Abhijeet Awasthi

Results 5 comments of Abhijeet Awasthi

Thank you for the response. As of 04-09-2022, both the files seem to have restricted access. I'm unable to download them while being logged in to a Google account. Will...

Thanks, @jkkummerfeld. This is very helpful!

Hi @Impavidity @pnpnpn, I am also facing the same issue. Any suggestions to fix this problem?

Hi @jkkummerfeld , The sharepoint link to download databases seems to have expired. It would be great if you can update it with a new link. I currently get the...

Thank you @jkkummerfeld. The link for Scholar data works fine now. However, the [link](https://unisyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/jonathan_kummerfeld_sydney_edu_au/EZKSPtcxPW9PvodZ-DzYn6YB1bsbREHh2Q5APcqWLOnMeQ?e=Hx0CiU) for Academic / IMDB / Yelp data is still inaccessible. Could you please update it as...