# Current Aviator status > Aviator will automatically update this comment as the status of the PR changes. > Comment `/aviator refresh` to force Aviator to re-examine your PR (or...
This pull request failed to merge: PR cannot be automatically rebased, please rebase manually to continue. Once the issues are resolved, remove the `blocked` label and re-queue the pull request....
This pull request failed to merge: PR cannot be automatically rebased, please rebase manually to continue. Once the issues are resolved, remove the `blocked` label and re-queue the pull request....
This pull request failed to merge: some CI status(es) failed. Once the issues are resolved, remove the `blocked` label and re-queue the pull request. Note that the pull request will...
# Current Aviator status > Aviator will automatically update this comment as the status of the PR changes. > Comment `/aviator refresh` to force Aviator to re-examine your PR (or...
# Current Aviator status > Aviator will automatically update this comment as the status of the PR changes. > Comment `/aviator refresh` to force Aviator to re-examine your PR (or...
This pull request failed to merge: PR cannot be automatically rebased, please rebase manually to continue. Once the issues are resolved, remove the `blocked` label and re-queue the pull request....
# Current Aviator status > Aviator will automatically update this comment as the status of the PR changes. > Comment `/aviator refresh` to force Aviator to re-examine your PR (or...
# Current Aviator status > Aviator will automatically update this comment as the status of the PR changes. > Comment `/aviator refresh` to force Aviator to re-examine your PR (or...
# Current Aviator status > Aviator will automatically update this comment as the status of the PR changes. > Comment `/aviator refresh` to force Aviator to re-examine your PR (or...