Results 72 issues of alper

If `fdfind folder_name` returns a empty output ` | as-tree` prints a new-line. Is it possible to not make it print new-line? Actual behavior: ``` $ fdfind folder_name # returns...

I am using eth-netstats for my private Ethereum work. Non of the connected node does not show up on the world map. What should I do to show those node...

Armory creates `Wallet file` and `lmdb` file when a new wallet is created. I did a super deep disk clean to see if I could recover the wallet file but...

I only have file that is ending with `armory_*****_wallet.lmdb`. Does this file have any connection with the `.wallet` file itself? Is it possible to rescue the wallet from it?

When I run `git flow`, I keep seeing `Summary of actions:` at the end. Would it be possible to suppress messages related to `Summary of actions:`?

```git merge --no-ff feature --edit -m "$(cat ~/.git_commit_template.txt)"``` allows me to add a helper text at the bottom of the `MERGE_MSG` file. Would it be possible to have similiar behavior...

I was wondering is it possible to ignore file sizes that are smaller than 100k. For example I dont want to see following files since they are `4.0K` ``` $...

When I run `dust` example output is as follows: ```bash 4.0K ┌── │ █ │ 0% 4.0K ├── job.yaml │ █ │ 0% 4.0K ├── job_example.yaml │ █ │...

``` Consider using 'transfer' in place of 'call.value()'. security/no-call-value ``` As for the solidity version 0.6.0, it is recommended to use `call.value()` from now on and using `transfer` is not...

Probably it is not a bug but I am not able to apply fix. `solium -d contrats` and `solium -d contrats --fix` generates same output but there is no fixes...
