Results 50 comments of alper

@rodrigolece > 3\. I removed `origin` How did you removed `origin`? (`git remote rm origin`)? and how did you added it but this time pointing to your repo hosted on...

"Consider using `transfer` in place of 'call.value()`" is a false error message by ethlint (

For both I keep getting following output: `zsh: do you wish to see all 2319 possibilities (773 lines)?`

I am having the same error when I tried it on the browser, is there any update on this?

```Python==3.8.10```. I am not using `IPython `.

```` ipdb==0.13.9 pylint==2.12.2 ``` `pip freeze | grep IPython` returns empty.

The way I install `pip install ipdb -U`. I am using just pure python, I am not using conda or jupyter or anything else. I have `os.environ["PYTHONBREAKPOINT"] = "0"` in...

I am using `venv`, created as follows: ```python VENV=$HOME/venv python3 -m venv $VENV source $VENV/bin/activate ``` ----------- Ah there is `ipython` installed, I had not idea it exists. ``` $...

@hrkrshnn Yes sir I updated the package but its still an issue