Albert van Dalen

Results 10 issues of Albert van Dalen

Beste Thijse, I have troubles using the ATtiny3217 The error is: 'NVM_STATUS' was not declared in this scope Note that the standard Arduino library EEPROM.h still works fine on...

I use the Minicore ATmega328PB succesfully in some sketches. But I have a strange compiler error with the Wattmeter-dongle sketch: It works fine with the package: Pololu ATmega328PB installed But...

This text was confusing and pointed to itself, completely unnecessary

Hi, can we combine all switch libraries to one again?

Hi I have added the Switch library to my own avandalen GitHub repositories and I will add it to the Arduino Library manager, as I will do with all my...

Printing at the Arduino Zero (SAM) gives an error with: SerialUSB.print(-2147483648); Error message: exit status 1 call of overloaded 'print(long long int)' is ambiguous This goes well: int s =...

Hi, I can't burn the bootloader (this was the actual problem), I can't figure out.. I opened a new issue here: Do you have any idea? This is my...

Dear Spence In 2020, we discussed the ATtiny3217, and I had created a guide on programming it, which you can find here: However, things are changed now, particularly in...

Hi Spence On the old repository There is no link to the new improved solution: Can you add the link?

It doesn't work on ATtiny3217 etc..