
Results 55 comments of auwsom

Hi Izzy, thanks for the reply. There is another user on AE of SE who also happens to be trying to extract an ab file today. It seems like only...

``` ANDROID BACKUP 4 1 AES-256 ```

Hi Izzy, thanks for the reply.. but, I think I got it.. using nelenkov's app ( and instructions here: I was trying to avoid the extra 800mb disk space...

Still exists on Linux Ubuntu Kubuntu 18.10 Chromium 72.0.3626.96. And doesn't work in Windows. `[(No Title)](` Does seem to work on tabs. Anyone have an alternative? Edit: workaround is to...

I created an issue over on the main AppImage requesting some cli tools to search and download, and update, from AppImageHub because the version to download isn't clear. I did...

Hi Sahar, and thanks so much for this repo! I am wondering how much improvement on the images the Pro+ or local GPU can make. Do you have a sense...

> Hi, also there is a hint if you have two different cards in the machine ;) > Set `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=(number of card/s which are one type)` eg. `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0` as I...

> No image quality will not change - sometimes I have even worse results. > 9 images query takes ~120-140s with 70ish% GPU load Thanks for the images, appreciate that....

I got it to work after upgrading to Pro for $10.. and then waiting a bit or restarting.

I found this repo.. I dont know how it compares yet: "DALL-E Mega is substianlly more capable than DALL-E Mini and therefore generates higher fidelity images. If you have...