
Results 55 comments of auwsom

Re Mimic: Oh, right, it is. So then the offline local mycroft is using Google's DeepSpeech, interesting. So it just uses PocketSphinx (or Precise) for the hotword detection.. DeepSpeech does...

This skill has similar functions to, except will run using xdotool (a necessary requirement) instead of using PyGObject for application launch() for example as this seems to be GTK...

@ChanceNCounter , sure, makes sense. I was about to post an issue in mycoft-core about resolving overlapping intent words by context.. Id like to see the mycroft-skills page on GitHub...

Also, being able to sort by the number of downloads (maybe using this but it looks like info only the repo owner can see) or maybe on number of...

Just another quick suggestion.. it would be great to be able to use the "speed commands" keys ( and even better to integrate them with the key shortcuts that are...

I just found a ppa that works with Kubuntu 20.04 LTS: ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:appimagelauncher-team/stable sudo apt update sudo apt install appimagelauncher ``` It pops up when clicking the...

@probonopd Thanks for the response. I had installed appimaged before AIL. Thanks for the info about it running as user. I downloaded the appimaged.appimage file and AIL moved it into...

Hi @probonopd, thanks. That is nice to know that is built in. What I meant was that it appears that Appimaged cannot run and leave the appimages in their current...

Me too. Unplugged the Yubikey and update worked. I got the same output from `solo1 ls` though in both states: ``` solo1 ls :: Solos ########: SoloKeys Solo 4.0.0 ```

So it looks like Host/User/Profile-ID was still required, but it had an optional disabling of autofill. There could be an option for "flat" backup. Essentially, user specifies target and destination...