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Course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments.

Results 215 Autolab issues
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`local_submit` and `log_submit` (formally `official_submit` and `unofficial_submit`) are poorly understood and ought to be better documented. Notably, `local_submit` was recently the cause of Potential context: #126

Type: Maintenance
Priority: Low

Currently, there is insufficient validation that a user-defined assessment hook takes the correct number of arguments (arity) or that it returns the expected type. This can lead to a difficult-to-recover...

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low

In at least several controllers, `.nil?` checks are performed after calling `.find( ... )`. However, `find` throws an exception if an `id` is not found, so the checks are never...

Priority: Low
Type: Bug

Current `autolab.rake` file has several issues - It populates fake submissions (`load_submissions_for`) with old submission path - Should update `s.filename` to `"#{i.to_s}_#{a.handin_filename}"` and `submission_path` to `File.join(assessment_handin_dir,, s.filename)` - `delete_course`...

Type: Maintenance
Priority: Low

Even if an Autolab instance does not support the default signup and login mechanisms, those routes are still visible and will cause errors. It would be beneficial to the user...

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low