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Course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments.

Results 215 Autolab issues
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In a class with >1 different exam times - students could download their autolab submission and share it with other students.

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low

Seth Goldstein has requested the following feature, which he says would be super useful: On the student gradebook, have a button called "Complain" alongside each assessment grade. If the student...

Priority: Medium
Type: Enhancement

Letting instructors/TAs administer multiple sections would be useful > enhancement label

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low

It would be really cool to have a feature that allows instructors to offer courses that anyone can sign up for, without having to explicitly added to the course by...

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low

I receive the following error when visiting most pages: `--- !ruby/exception:Errno::EACCES message: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /home/app/webapp/tmp/cache/206`

Priority: Low
Type: Bug

We can discuss the usefulness and viability of this feature.

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low

There are many situations where autolab uses the ! form of an activerecord function, which will trigger donkey kong if a validation or other error occurs, instead of catching the...

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low

After using our Autolab installation for a number of courses, I noticed that the "Manage Submissions" page of an assessment (where the url ends with `/submissions`) loads slow (up to...

Priority: Low
Type: Bug

Instructors are trying to upload non-conforming files as embedded quiz data (e.g. pdfs) which triggers a DB exception so they get no feedback. The controller or model should do some...

Priority: Medium
Type: Bug

We want to password protect handout downloads with a unique password for each user based on their email. V2 will be custom password generators so instructors can specify how to...

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low