
Results 6 issues of aussie

The vn_40mm_m576_buck_mag wouldn't load for some reason. Works in the editor, but not in game. It is still a challenge to escape firing HE rounds at close range.

I can create a pull request & it will merge automatically without your approval. I have made the following updates but want your approval before I merge. Tested & work...

When you get shot by a vehicle you dont get a opportunity to revive, it automatically puts you at the crate as a fresh spawn.

I need help in making giant soldiers & mini soldiers. Here is the code that works in the editor: ``` ["STpopulation","onEachFrame", { { { if (local _x && simulationEnabled _x)... Change this line in mission.sqm (link above): ` name="A3E_CarExtractionSpawnPos1_1";` to ` name="A3E_CarExtractionSpawnPos2";` No cars will show if car extraction 2 is selected. Thanks to @.punisher for the upload. cheers...