C. Augusto Proiete

Results 193 comments of C. Augusto Proiete

@ericmschmidt I haven't been using DevExpress controls in a while, and I had the impression that for v20 they were going to add support for .NET Core 3 and also...

Thanks for confirming @ericmschmidt. If there's value in having the 1:1 package relationship still, I'm happy to re-generate the nuget specs. I'll book some time next week to re-generate the...

Thanks @boinst. Seems like a good idea. I didn't know the .Design files were automatically discovered. The less references in the project, the better, and we can get rid of...

@boinst: Considering DevExpress just released `v14.1.8`, I'll re-generate these NuGet packages at some point this weekend. Wondering if you're planning on sending a PR for `v14.1.7` with your proposed changes...

@boinst Great. No worries then, I'll update the C# app and generate both versions, and let you know through here.

Hi @boinst, I've finally managed to spend some time with this, and the problem is that I couldn't find a reliable way to discover all the .Design assemblies that a...

Hi @vsmike, thanks for reaching out. I intend to upload the source code on the 23rd of January. In the meantime, [I've published the nuspec files for the most recent...

Thank you @sepehr1101. At the moment, this project only implements a way of updating the title of the dashboard. Feel free to send pull-requests to implement ways of changing other...