C. Augusto Proiete

Results 193 comments of C. Augusto Proiete

@Edord99 Could you provide more details? What is the repo for this issue or PR `7171`?

Thanks for the note @EdinaLewis but this issue is about Cake leveraging [**THE** global folder that NuGet itself uses/manages ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/managing-the-global-packages-and-cache-folders) when you install/restore packages through NuGet (e.g. `dotnet restore`), not...

Related Cake addins that try to help in this area: - [Cake.ArgumentHelpers](https://github.com/cake-contrib/Cake.ArgumentHelpers) - [Cake.Args](https://github.com/augustoproiete/Cake.Args)

Great. Thanks for your interest @MariaSolOs. Heads-up that we use [Spectre.Console](https://github.com/spectreconsole/spectre.console) for parsing arguments, so there's a little bit of investigation needed to see if the fix can (and should)...

@MariaSolOs The goal is to support both for consistency. That said, the team might be having a change of heart on this one and we'll discuss more tomorrow and get...

@MariaSolOs It seems something might be missing in your environment. What do you see when you run `dotnet --info` from the folder where `build.sh` is located? (it seems `/Users/mariasolano/git/cake/`).

Agreed. I think we need [custom console color palettes](https://github.com/cake-build/cake/issues/2976) for different CI systems. TeamCity has the opposite problem (not dark enough) having a white background, so parts of the log...

@ManasviGoyal In [`MSBuildSettingsExtensions`](https://github.com/cake-build/cake/blob/v1.1.0/src/Cake.Common/Tools/MSBuild/MSBuildSettingsExtensions.cs#L23) you can see how the `WithTarget` method works today, and in [`MSBuildSettings`](https://github.com/cake-build/cake/blob/v1.1.0/src/Cake.Common/Tools/MSBuild/MSBuildSettings.cs#L29) you can see that `Targets` is a read-only property of type `ISet`. The way I...

@MariaSolOs It's exactly what the error message says. Your documentation comments have trailing spaces on them that should be removed. e.g. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/177608/132276372-cdb6b6ce-5aee-41ed-a6bd-488e00ce3567.png)