Tony Li
Tony Li
YYKVStorage里面说明了,这个class不是thread safe的
@BigWhiteEat yycache里面是带锁的,只要是同一个db文件,前面的缓存没做完下一个不会开始,整体是thread safe的应该不会有问题
@FlyOceanFish 我的理解是这个func可能被多个线程call,如果上一个已经remove了lru,totalCost会reset,那么另一个线程就不需要再remove一次,所以用了pthread锁
v16.0.1 got issue working with 2.4.1, but it's fine working with ^3.0.0, v15 can't work with ^3.0.0
@jscheel @TimOliver yes, there is an priority issue in-between search view and NSView action these 2 places height previously was 20, when it increased to 64, NSView action...
@squintgit I've add this functionality here, #151
I've forget the arch used if remove `-DIOS_PLATFORM=SIMULATOR`, there are 2 main issues compile for M1 simulator, one is by default iOS simulator arch selection will be x86, 2nd it...
@chenxianfei 我也有类似的需求,但看了下,这个组件不直接支持,需要自己绑定Intersection Observer事件
@TimOliver Shall we close this ticket?
where is the manifest.json or dose it still working with current mincer?