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Async version of the Rust standard library

Results 125 async-std issues
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The use of `extern crate alloc` is unconditional, which is odd given there is an alloc feature. My expectation would be that * everything that doesn't even depend on alloc...

The `stream::pending` module is only exported for the "unstable" feature:, but these items are not documented to require the feature in the docs like they are for other unstable...

Hi folks, I was curious whether async-std would be interested in an async port of `std::os::unix::fs::FileExt`. I'm writing a service right now that'd benefit from such a thing -- currently...

When working with `TcpStream` I realized some things are still missing, this is a list for tracking those - [x] `connect` - [ ] `connect_timeout` - [x] `local_addr` - [x]...

api design

hi, i've been using async-std for some time now and I think I might have hit a bug. my code is here (it is on the "blocking" branch) if...

Hi, everyone. Thank you for reading this issue. The crate futures has a function [futures::future::join_all]( But the performance of this function in futures seem not very good. [Tokio has talked...

First off, **THANK YOU** for making this crate! The `Future`-aware synchronization primitives alone are worth their weight in gold! :grinning: As for my request, is it possible to add in...


When using sync::Mutex in a program that also has wasm bindings the WASM version will occasionally crash due to a usage of "time". Is there any way to make this...

I think the waker_set implementation is useful in it's own right. At the very least futures-util has something very similar and could probably benefit from sharing the waker_set implementation between...

api design

I've noticed that async-std uses `std::sync::Mutex` in quite a few places. It's well known that parking_lot offers much better performance, and more noticeably space saving, compared to the std mutex,...
