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Async version of the Rust standard library

Results 125 async-std issues
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The `async_std::futures::timeout` helper would be much more useful if it was generic over `Error` and took a callback closure to be called when a timeout is hit, so that one...

In the style of, I noticed that async-std's net is nearly the same as Would it be worth porting async-std to use async-net?

To be clear - I am not 100% sure if this is supposed to work, but I think I have reason to believe it reasonably should work. I have an...

[WakerSet]( implements its own atomic locking mechanism but is not Send or Sync. The use of it in async-std [is accompanied by]( unsafe impl Send and Sync for containing types,...

Most of async-std's stream utilities were written before `Stream::size_hint` was released and do not implement `Stream::size_hint` method. This means that async-std's stream utilities may be a bit inefficient than other...

good first issue

**The problem** I was working on a toy project and I couldn't get `/dev/ptmx` to work properly. To my surprise I found that `File` is actually using `spawn_blocking` instead of...

I am trying to send large files using `async-std` and have noticed that the default receiving buffer size seems to be significantly bottle-necking throughput (see [here]( Is there a reason...


This is a bug report related to the ~~unstable~~ `max_by_key` feature tracked in #129. It may affect `min_by_key` and other related features as well, but I haven't investigated those. The...

Design document with active discussion: External process execution is clearly asynchronous. This API should make it possible to both asynchronously handle IO streams and also just wait for them...
