Marco Lombardi
Marco Lombardi
Section 5.3 of [Syed et al., 2021]( mentions that it is more efficient, under certain conditions, to run ``k`` multiple copies of the PT algorithm rather than increasing ``N`` to...
I am often calling `Pigeons.pigeons` inside a `Threads.@threads for` loop to take advantage of extra computing resources I have. I am now trying to use the checkpoint feature, but I...
I apologize, this is more a help request than a bug report or an enhancement suggestion. During a Bayesian inference of parameters of a fairly complex log-posterior I encountered a...
I am not sure this is possible, but it would be extremely useful to have TerminalPager work *during* the execution of a slow command. That would allow one, for example,...
Forcing the symmetry of inv(::Cholesky). See issue #1257
Because of rounding errors, in some cases explicitly symmetric matrices might produce non-symmetric inverses: ````julia using StaticArrays, LinearAlgebra c = cholesky(@SMatrix[π 3.1; 3.1 12.0]) d = inv(c) d[1,2] - d[2,1]...
I have been testing the speed of broadcast operations with OffsetArrays of StaticArrays, and it looks like there is a significant penalty in time. In fact, on my laptop I...
It seems to me that there is a problem with `cos` derivatives in composite functions: ```julia-repl julia> D = (f, x) -> AbstractDifferentiation.derivative(DiffractorForwardBackend(), f, x)[1]; julia> D(x -> exp(cos(x)), 1.0)...
I need to solve a relatively complicated function (which depends on changing parameters) several thousands or millions of times, and I am trying to obtain a code that is as...