Marco Lombardi
Marco Lombardi
At least for the first derivative, adding this definition seems to fix the issue: ```` @generated function QuadGK.cachedrule(::Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{Tag, T, N}}, n::Integer) where {T
Thank you for your quick reply! I am still surprised by the behaviour oof the HODLR solver: I understand it is stochastic, but find it hard to comprehend why if...
@chriselrod thank you very much for your prompt reply. I understand this is a known bug/limitation, but from a user perspective I have not seen it mentioned anywhere in the...
OK, I am trying to fix manually the issue using this code ```Julia function morph_dilate2(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, kernel::AbstractArray{S,N}) where {T
Hi @sefffal, thank you for your quick reply! Yes, my request is really made of two parts. For the first (improving customizability) a dictionary is surely the easiest way to...
The issue is related to the use of 12 x 2 matrix for the list of coordinates (`radecmatorig`above) instead of a 2 x 12 matrix. This creates the wrong result...