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Non-symmetric inverse of Cholesky decomposition
Because of rounding errors, in some cases explicitly symmetric matrices might produce non-symmetric inverses:
using StaticArrays, LinearAlgebra
c = cholesky(@SMatrix[π 3.1; 3.1 12.0])
d = inv(c)
d[1,2] - d[2,1] # returns -1.3877787807814457e-17
This can be a serious issue and it can break various codes: for example, cholesky(d)
would fail. Note that the same code works without problems if one uses standard arrays instead of static ones:
c1 = cholesky([π 3.1; 3.1 12.0])
d1 = inv(c1)
d1[1,2] - d1[2,1] # returns 0.0
A fix is to force, in the definition of inv(::Cholesky)
the symmetry of the result:
function inv(A::Cholesky{T,<:StaticMatrix{N,N,T}}) where {N,T}
B = A.U \ (A.U' \ SDiagonal{N}(I))
return (B .+ B') ./ T(2)