Erik Müller
Erik Müller
Currently, resolver functions are invoked only with the GraphQL arguments or the resolved field. The `identity` field or any other (possibly user-defined) field of the `$context` object is dropped.
The [README]( describes adding the `channels::history` scope to the app. However, different scopes seem to be required. CloudWatch logs for the Slack notifier Lambda contain the following error message: ```...
This PR introduces two new properties to the build target options property to pass environment variables and build flags to the `go build` command. Cross-compiling is a common usecase which...
The plugin apparently does no longer work with CDK 1.51.0 onwards. `cdk.json`: ``` { "app": "npx ts-node bin/infra.ts", "context": { "@aws-cdk/core:enableStackNameDuplicates": true, "aws-cdk:enableDiffNoFail": true, "@aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis": true }, "plugin": ["cdk-multi-profile-plugin"] }...
Plugins such as `gatsby-source-contentful` also create nodes with internal type `Mdx`, but do not add an absolute file path. Skipping Mdx nodes without absolute file path (from which we can...
Postgres 17 now supports `MERGE INTO` with `RETURNING` (which is very handy to streamline queries and upsert records without writing multiple queries). ```sql MERGE INTO heroes AS h USING (VALUES...