I've esported some hands from FPDB as PartyPoker text HH and have re-imported them in PT4. They were already imported in Xeester 2. Comparing PT4, X2 and FPDB, it seems...
Add an "Copy to clipboard (original room format)" feature
Add date/time to GuiHandView columns to better identify hands.
In hand viewer, hand rows can only be ordered by Bet, Net, Won columns and not by HandId etc. I think more sorting criterion would be usefull, especially hand-id, game...
GuiHandViewer "Copy to clipboard" contextual menu entry does not support multiple/extended item selection [1] [1]
HoldemOmahaHand.writeHand(), DrawHand.writeHand() & StudHand don't support date/time of hand.
Hello, I've added a release-0.41 maintenance branch from the 0.41.0-rc1 tag. Additionnaly, I merged all 0.41.0-rc2 to -rc8 tag into the release-0.41 branch using --no-ff (no fast-forward) so that one...
Seems that GTK unused/dead code is still present in the sources (e.g. ,
"Dump Database to Textfile (takes ALOT of time)" crashes FPDB. Note: also, whole database text is exported into memory before being written on disk; this feature could be optimized using...
Replace Tkinter code with pyQt code in in order to remove Tkinter dependency.