My previous comparison between RegularFind and LiveFind doesn't hold up now that I've taken a second look at it. I was not waiting for the promise to resolve for the...
> TypeError: db.logIn is not a function This issue is related to the call to login() in the watcher which then calls db.logIn (pouchdb-authentication). It doesn't make sense to do...
That's a great idea. If I have time or someone else does maybe we can get some fully worked out examples put up here. As for immediately, the Boatnet project...
I've added types to DefinitelyTyped: You can add them to your project using: `npm install --save-dev @types/pouchdb-live-find`
To use those loc_key fields in Android and IOS I've been using the native resource localization files: On Android: strings.xml (/android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml) on IOS: Localizable.strings (/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Localizable.strings) But I've got all these...
I've fixed it with a workaround!! I ended up adding the missing json Conditions block to my S3 amplify deployment bucket in the cloud right after it got updated by...
With each new iteration of **amplify push**, it gets more complicated to go through all the ConnectionStack.json template files and repair them. My current workaround is to do an initial...
My **schema.graphql** is getting increasingly complex but the issue with **ConnectionStack** persists and the workaround continues to be to simply have a modified **ConnectionStack.json** prepared and to upload it to...
Just realized I omitted that I am using the **amplify_flutter** packages that are in developer preview:
> /cli-inputs.json So far, your solution seems to work, though I kept the -${env} in the name and even added it into the arn: ``` "conflictResolution": { "defaultResolutionStrategy": { "type":...