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request: an example to demonstrate editing a single item
The current examples are fine, but talking to two other friends of mine, they seem to have the same problem: how to build a todo app, where the editing is using another view (passing the doc._id).
Another thing: The auth examples shows two code blocks - but no explanation where/how to use them. I know, it is probably super clear for a pro using this plugin for a while, but not for beginners with this plugin.
Would be great if you could see to this, as I believe it would make it easier to get going with it.
btw, using framework7.io/vue - building a PWA
That's a great idea. If I have time or someone else does maybe we can get some fully worked out examples put up here.
As for immediately, the Boatnet project might interest you: https://github.com/nwfsc-fram/boatnet
They're using pouch-vue in their PWA.
went with (maybe as a starting point)
pouch: {
item() {
const self = this;
return {
database: 'items',
selector: {_id: self.$f7route.params.id}, // the view used the Framework7 router to receive the item._id
first: true // returns a single item (not the usual array of items)
need to wait for the item to be populated, v-if will only show if it is there
<div v-if="!item">
loading, please wait ...
<div v-if="item">
Item JSON: {{item}}
Hey, thanks for the feedback! Those code snippets were initially just for reference on an internal project. I agree that there is a need for more context on the topic. The login example will generally help you sign in to your pwa leading the user to another page, something like a dashboard. The session example will be called on all "protected" routes making sure the user is signed in otherwise redirecting to the login view.