Asheem Mamoowala

Results 18 comments of Asheem Mamoowala

@ghigio2000 Can you please post a minimal reproducible case as suggested in the new issue template: > - Include a link to a minimal demonstration of the bug. We recommend...

@davidtheclark I was actually stuck on a previous error. That was related to mixed path separators when using a `bash` terminal on Windows. To fix that problem I had to...

> Really? I thought the point of these path functions was to get filesystem-tailored filepaths that you can rely on? I may have exaggerated a little bit 😁 One problem...

@Dzxwind Thanks for raising this question. We are working to identify a solution and recommendation for this and related use cases. We've had a number of folks ask the same,...

We're still looking into this and will have an update next month.

#7987 and #7999 are potential ways to provide images after the layer is loaded.

> Using the new styleimagemissing event still results in the icon not being rendered at the initial zoom level. @joewoodhouse sorry about closing this pre-maturely.

@maeneak thank you for sharing the example. Would you be able to share more about your use case for custom rendering of raster tiles? The demo in your link shows...

Found another instance of this which makes it harder to zoom in to locations that will auto rotate when zoomed into. ![zoom in nz](

Looks like a bug in Safari/Webkit: