Asaf Levy

Results 27 comments of Asaf Levy

**;tldr - summary of how to use rbac+google_oauth+optional env vars for all configs** For future reference for anyone looking at this issue, and has trouble compiling the pieces together, These...

@ayush-san Yes I have faced this.. I believe I fixed this by using the proposed fix on the issue you have found, however I do remember that that was a...

@ayush-san Ahh, I see, I missed you were using 3.7 (as do I currently) I don't actually remember how I fixed this, Let me get back to you on that.....

@ayush-san Check out this issue: specifically these comments: Also, try to completely DROP all the tables, Airflow's SQL Alchemy lib should replace all the default (non-rbac)...

@ayush-san Yeah, the [docs]( really are awful about some stuff, that may well be what I encountered and I fixed it same way you did, without being able to recollect...

@anpjai I cant help with with LDAP since I didn't do it myself

Yes, That's exactly it, I have no 'wsl.exe' on my windows version, only the deprecated 'bash.exe', I forgot to write that as well in the original comment, sorry.. Thanks for...

Terminal output: ``` cd . ; bash.exe -c "cd \"/mnt/c/gits/scratch\"; while [[ ! -p \"/tmp/vscode-bash-debug-fifo-15431\" ]]; do sleep 0.25; done; \"bash\" \"/mnt/c/Users/asaf.levy/.vscode/extensions/rogalmic.bash-debug-0.3.2/bashdb_dir/bashdb\" --quiet --tty \"/tmp/vscode-bash-debug-fifo-15431\" --tty_in \"/tmp/vscode-bash-debug-fifo-15431_in\" --library \"/mnt/c/Users/asaf.levy/.vscode/extensions/rogalmic.bash-debug-0.3.2/bashdb_dir\" --...

Running .exe within wsl is allowed on my windows version as well, [interoperability It's called](, but probably due to the recent changes in pipe support and pty allocation etc..; The...

Latest comment vsix produces the 'bash not found' error, as with original issue comment (pathBash) maybe you reset you're working dir, and forgot :) ? To test correctly, we need...