Asaf Levy

Results 28 comments of Asaf Levy

> Looks good! You'll need to re-gen the chart readme and bump the chart version Sure, will do, also verify, I'm suspicious of how helm would deal with the declaimer...

seems legit 👍 Locally against my PR branch with default values (explicit default for new parameter) ``` [root@LAPTOP-ASAF-T14 superset]# helm template . --set secretEnv.create=true -s templates/secret-env.yaml --debug install.go:218: [debug] Original...

Just for future reference and search indexing, For those using ArgoCD with the old versions of superset's helm chart and wish to use external secrets, I have had limited success...

Same here with 2.7.6: ``` ignoreDifferences: - group: batch kind: CronJob jqPathExpressions: - .spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.spec.containers[] | select(.image|test(":0.19.*")).image syncPolicy: automated: syncOptions: - RespectIgnoreDifferences=true - ApplyOutOfSyncOnly=true ``` Upon changing container command arguments, ArgoCD...

@kyoh86 Thanks, uninstalling xdg-open via `yum remove xdg-utils` worked for me after multiple other attempts to me it work.. **What I tried before:** for some reason under my WSL2 fedora...

I found a solution for a related issue, in order for kubectl-whoami to show the ARN information for a user, it is required that the k8s role assigned to the...

From what I've seen, Debian 12 still hasn't created a new deb release with the fixes just for anyone who's looking for a fix with bookworm at this time: