Asa Baylus

Results 9 issues of Asa Baylus

In cases where a user needs idleTimer for a purpose other than the jquery-sessionmanagment.js script, Idle timer should be moved the document.documentElement element.

In the idleTimer-redo branch... When the page is first loaded and the sessionTimeout plugin is first initialized the idleTimer plugin is not registering user activity. The the session will always...

``` yarn && yarn start ``` see: http://localhost:6006/?path=/story/command-palette--vscode-theme TODO: - [ ] Make it work like vscode - [ ] Write docs - [ ] Add example child menus -...


When navigating commands using the key board it's difficult to understand the currently focused command using voice over for instance "Baz" is read aloud as "a z" which is confusing.

help wanted

For security and support, the notes addon has been depricated


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Results for process large datasets can be improved by preparing targets for fuzzysort **Describe the solution you'd like** Create a...


Attempting to run a local build using node v0.6.5+ throws and error ``` bash node bin/ /you/myapp/bin/ require.paths.unshift __dirname+'/../nodelib' ^^^^^^^^^ node.js:201 throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on...

Im a bit of a n00b so maybe I'm missing something. When attempting to run through the workflow 1 an error message displayed when remotely restarting the services ``` bash...

I use codekit to compile locally and Grunt for CI builds. My grunt builds optimize images in "app" and place them in a "dist" folder. It would be nice if...