
Results 7 comments of arvrschool

我使用了8w张训练,也不收敛,test loss一直在0.5左右,train loss 在 0-1之间。不确定什么原因,希望能够得到解答,谢谢

@zhanglaplace 你训练的数据集收敛了吗?效果如何?我使用了8w张训练,也不收敛,test loss一直在0.5左右,train loss 在 0-1之间。不确定什么原因,希望能够得到解答,谢谢


> Not unless you attach your earth file and your tileset.json file. Thanks for your reply! My earth file is this: ```xml /media/xxxx/文档/Works/Models/GIS/YSY_GIS/tileset.json ``` and my 3dtiles file is big....

> Also paste any messages from the command window only print these: void StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled. void StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled. And how to turn on the log message?

```c++ CesiumAsync::Future AssetAccessor::get(const CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem& asyncSystem, const std::string& url, const std::vector& headers) { osg::ref_ptr options = _options.get(); auto request = std::make_shared("GET", url, headers); return asyncSystem.createFuture( [&](const auto& promise) { asyncSystem.runInWorkerThread([promise, request,...

> Also paste any messages from the command window The printed information is as follows, among them, "---> httpResponse.code()" was added by myself. > [osgEarth] Hello, world. > [osgEarth] [Registry]...