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load 3dtiles error!!??
The earth is white with nothing when i load my local 3dtiles file. there is the earth file:
<Map name="ReadyMap">
Not unless you attach your earth file and your tileset.json file.
Not unless you attach your earth file and your tileset.json file.
Thanks for your reply! My earth file is this:
<Map name="ReadyMap">
and my 3dtiles file is big. so i just paste two tileset.json file: one is the root tileset, the another one is sub_directory file root path:tileset.json Data/Tile_+000_+007 path:tileset.json
the imgui show this:
Also paste any messages from the command window
Also paste any messages from the command window
only print these: void StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled. void StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled.
And how to turn on the log message?
AssetAccessor::get(const CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem& asyncSystem,
const std::string& url,
const std::vector<CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor::THeader>& headers)
osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> options = _options.get();
auto request = std::make_shared<AssetRequest>("GET", url, headers);
return asyncSystem.createFuture<std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetRequest>>(
[&](const auto& promise)
asyncSystem.runInWorkerThread([promise, request, url, headers, options]() {
// This should run in another thread.
URIContext uriContext;
for (auto header : headers)
uriContext.addHeader(header.first, header.second);
printf("-----> AssetAccessor::get %s\n", url.c_str());
URI uri(url, uriContext);
auto httpResponse = uri.readString(options.get());
std::unique_ptr< AssetResponse > response = std::make_unique< AssetResponse >();
if (httpResponse.code() == ReadResult::RESULT_OK)
response->_statusCode = 200;
printf("---> %d\n", httpResponse.code());
response->_contentType = httpResponse.metadata().value(IOMetadata::CONTENT_TYPE);
for (auto& i : httpResponse.metadata().children())
response->_headers[i.key()] = i.value();
std::string content = httpResponse.getString();
std::vector<std::byte> result(content.size());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < content.size(); ++i)
result[i] = (std::byte)content[i];
response->_result = result;
In this function, i added two log print, this log is below:
_void StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled.
void StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled.
-----> AssetAccessor::get /media/matt/文档/Works/NV3D/Models/GIS/YSY_GIS/tileset.json
---> 0
-----> AssetAccessor::get https://api.cesium.com/v1/assets
---> 8_
Please give me some suggestions~
For more logging to the console, set the environment variable OSGEARTH_NOTIFY_LEVEL=INFO
Also paste any messages from the command window
The printed information is as follows, among them, "---> httpResponse.code()" was added by myself.
[osgEarth] Hello, world. [osgEarth] [Registry] Note: GDAL_DATA environment variable is not set [osgEarth] [Capabilities] osgEarth Version: 3.5.0 build 149 [osgEarth] [Capabilities] GDAL Version: 3.6.4 [osgEarth] [Capabilities] OSG Version: 3.7.0 [osgEarth] [Capabilities] OSG GL3 Features: no [osgEarth] [Capabilities] OSG FFP Available: yes [osgEarth] [Capabilities] CPU Cores: 24 [osgEarth] [Capabilities] GL_VENDOR: Mesa [osgEarth] [Capabilities] GL_RENDERER: llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits) [osgEarth] [Capabilities] GL_VERSION: 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 23.0.4-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 [osgEarth] [Capabilities] GL CORE Profile: no void StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled. void StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled. [osgEarth] [Map] Map profile is: [srs=WGS84, min=-180,-90 max=180,90 ar=2:1 vdatum=geodetic] [osgEarth] [Map] [no cache] [osgEarth] [JobArena] Arena "cesium" concurrency=2 [osgEarth] [JobArena] Arena "cesium" concurrency=8 [osgEarth] [JobArena] Arena "oe.nodepager" concurrency=2 ---> httpResponse.code() 0 [osgEarth] [JobArena] Arena "oe.nodepager" concurrency=4 [osgEarth] [engine_rex] Activated! [osgEarth] [JobArena] Arena "oe.rex.loadtile" concurrency=2 [osgEarth] [JobArena] Arena "oe.rex.loadtile" concurrency=4 [osgEarth] [TerrainResources] Texture unit 1 reserved for Terrain Color [osgEarth] [TerrainResources] Texture unit 2 reserved for Terrain Elevation [osgEarth] [TerrainResources] Texture unit 3 reserved for Terrain Normals [osgEarth] [TerrainResources] Texture unit 4 reserved for Terrain Parent Color [osgEarth] [TerrainResources] Texture unit 5 reserved for Terrain Land Cover [osgEarth] [RexTerrainEngineNode] Creating 2 root keys. [osgEarth] [MapNodeHelper] Activating logarithmic depth buffer (vertex-only) on main camera ---> httpResponse.code() 8 [osgEarth] [JobArena] Arena "oe.rex.createchild" concurrency=2
stale - reopen if more info becomes available.