Arvid Fahlström Myrman

Results 10 comments of Arvid Fahlström Myrman

Given that Hummingbird already seems to have a (somewhat rudimentary?) recommender (, what is this issue about? If you're looking to do research on and implement a new system I'd...

Well, FWIW I did email Josh a while back, but I'm interpreting the lack of response as meaning "not interested". Since I already brought up the subject here, though, I'd...

Sorry for reviving an old issue, but I'd just like to understand what the recommendation is here, and I'm not sure the type defaults PEP solves my use case. I'm...

@hauntsaninja I'm pretty sure this issue is what I need. What I described is the exact behaviour of Kotlin's `*` which this issue was inspired by. This code works just...

There's nothing stopping the user from just accidentally specifying the wrong annotation though which introduces a lot of room for user error. Plus, really the only safe annotation there would...

One alternative to `...` could be to use `_` instead: ```py runners: dict[str, RunnerFactory[_]] = { "int": IntRunner, "string": StringRunner, } ``` which somewhat matches how `_` is commonly used...

@KotlinIsland That's true, any PEP about this would have to give `_` special meaning when used as a type parameter, and I can't say whether there's any precedence for that....

> One other option is to raise the PydanticOmit error in your serialize to manually exclude that field. Would you be able to provide an example of this in action?...

Sorry, to clarify, the errors are from my own project - Pyright is complaining about the fact that I have code that calls third-party functions that are missing type parameters....

I went ahead and fixed up the `WorkType` type parameters mentioned above. I also decided to improve the typing of ``, as a lot of type information was getting lost...