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allow `...` in place of generic parameters

Open DetachHead opened this issue 2 years ago • 27 comments

from https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11389


in kotlin, you can omit a generic from a type annotation when you don't care what its value is:

class Foo<T: Number>

fun foo(value: Foo<*>) {}

more info:

  • https://kotlinlang.org/docs/generics.html#star-projections
  • https://typealias.com/guides/star-projections-and-how-they-work/


  • it's especially useful for types that have multiple bounded generics

    i think this could be accomplished by simply allowing ... to be used in place of the generics

    Thing1 = TypeVar("Thing1", bound=Base1, covariant=True)
    Thing2 = TypeVar("Thing2", bound=Base2, covariant=True)
    Thing3 = TypeVar("Thing3", bound=Base3, covariant=True)
    class ThingWithLotsOfGenerics(Generic[Thing1, Thing2, Thing3]):
    def foo(value: ThingWithLotsOfGenerics[..., ..., ...]) -> None:
  • Another usage is to ignore variance issues when you don't care about accessing the values.

    class Box(Generic[T]):
        t: T
    def foo(b: Box[...]):
    def bar(b: Box[object]):
    b = Box(1)
    foo(b)  # no error
    bar(b)  # error, Box[int] incompatible with Box[object]


Use Any

Any removes all type safety so is not a good solution

T = TypeVar("T")

class Foo(Generic[T]):
    a: T

def foo(f: Foo[Any]):
    f.a = "AMONGUS😳"

f = Foo[int]()

Use object/Never

This doesn't work if your TypeVar is bound, you have to specify the bound, which is non-optimal for many reasons.

class Foo: ...

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Foo, covariant=True)

class Bar(Generic[T]):

# error: Type argument "object" of "Bar" must be a subtype of "Foo"  [type-var]
def foo(value: Bar[object]) -> None:

(also being tracked in KotlinIsland/basedmypy#30 and https://github.com/DetachHead/basedpyright/issues/18)

DetachHead avatar Oct 26 '21 08:10 DetachHead

Another usage is to ignore variance issues when you don't care about accessing the values.

class Box<T>(var t: T)

fun foo(b: Box<*>) = print(b)
fun bar(b: Box<Any>) = print(b)

val b = Box(1)
foo(b) // no error
bar(b) // error, Box<Int> incompatible with Box<Any>

or in python:

class Box(Generic[T]):
    t: T

def foo(b: Box[...]): print(b)
def bar(b: Box[object]): print(b)

b = Box(1)
foo(b)  # no error
bar(b)  # error, Box[int] incompatible with Box[object]

KotlinIsland avatar Oct 26 '21 08:10 KotlinIsland

I personally don't see any pros in this version compared to the explicit Any case. Moreover, we also have implicit Any, so you can write just def foo(value: ThingWithLotsOfGenerics) -> None:

sobolevn avatar Oct 26 '21 08:10 sobolevn

Explicit Any is bad imo(and implicit Any is 100x worse), because it makes the inner of the function unchecked, when it doesn't need to be. Also I always enable all the Any strictness flags, so this would be defeating the purpose and require type: ignore[misc] on a bunch on lines.

KotlinIsland avatar Oct 26 '21 08:10 KotlinIsland

T = TypeVar("T", bound=int)

class Foo(Generic[T]):
    a: T

def foo(f: Foo[Any]):
    f.a = "AMONGUS😳"

KotlinIsland avatar Oct 26 '21 08:10 KotlinIsland

The original request was "when you don't care about inner type vars". Now you show cases when you care about them.

In original case it can be implicit or explicit Any.

Thing1 = TypeVar("Thing1", bound=Base1, covariant=True)
Thing2 = TypeVar("Thing2", bound=Base2, covariant=True)
Thing3 = TypeVar("Thing3", bound=Base3, covariant=True)

class ThingWithLotsOfGenerics(Generic[Thing1, Thing2, Thing3]):

def foo(value: ThingWithLotsOfGenerics) -> None:
    print(value)  # you don't care about `value`'s type vars here

When you care about the inner structure or strictness flag is on (I also turn it on for all my projects), you can use:

def foo(f: Foo[T]):
    f.a = "AMONGUS😳"  # error

(at least with mypy, I am not familiar with other type-checkers' internals)

sobolevn avatar Oct 26 '21 08:10 sobolevn

Sorry for using Kotlin, it's just easier to write for me.

var aList: List<String>? = null

fun foo(someList: List<*>) {
    aList = someList // error!

If you are taking the type here as Any/dynamic then it's easy to misuse it:

var aList: List<String>? = null

fun foo(someList: List<dynamic>) {
    aList = someList // no error! SUS ALERT!

KotlinIsland avatar Oct 26 '21 08:10 KotlinIsland

When you care about the inner structure or strictness flag is on (I also turn it on for all my projects), you can use:

def foo(f: Foo[T]):
    f.a = "AMONGUS😳"  # error

(at least with mypy, I am not familiar with other type-checkers' internals)

that bounds the function to a generic, which you don't always want, for example:

from typing import TypeVar, Generic
from dataclasses import dataclass

T = TypeVar("T", bound=int, covariant=True)

class Foo(Generic[T]):
    value: T

def foo(value: Foo[T] | None = None) -> Foo[T]:
    return value or Foo(1) # error: Argument 1 to "Foo" has incompatible type "int"; expected "T"

this doesn't happen with star projections:

class Foo<out T: Number>(value: T)

fun foo(value: Foo<*>?): Foo<*> {
    return value ?: Foo(1)
fun main() {
    val foo: List<Int> = mutableListOf()

this is probably a better explanation: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/generics.html#star-projections

DetachHead avatar Oct 26 '21 08:10 DetachHead

This would really save so many boilerplate TypeVars in the project my team is working on. FWIW, Java has this too, ?, called wildcards.

parched avatar Dec 14 '22 22:12 parched

I don't see why you'd need TypeVars if you don't care about the value of the generic parameter. Are you sure your use case corresponds to this feature request?

For what it's worth, I think just using explicit Any works great for this use case (and implicit Any also works). If you hate explicit Any for whatever reason and your type variable is covariant you can use object; if it's contravariant you can use Never.

hauntsaninja avatar Dec 14 '22 23:12 hauntsaninja

When you care about the inner structure or strictness flag is on (I also turn it on for all my projects), you can use:

def foo(f: Foo[T]):
    f.a = "AMONGUS😳"  # error

(at least with mypy, I am not familiar with other type-checkers' internals)

This also works in Pyre and pyright, although pyright additionally issues a warning with this usage that "TypeVar T appears only once in function signature."

So it seems like the only scenario where there isn't already a fine option for this is when all of the following apply: a) you are using pyright and don't want warnings, b) your typevar is invariant (so you can't use object or Never), c) you are using any-strictness and don't want (implicit or explicit) Any either.

carljm avatar Dec 15 '22 00:12 carljm

If you hate explicit Any for whatever reason

T = TypeVar("T")

class Foo(Generic[T]):
    a: T

def foo(f: Foo[Any]):
    f.a = "AMONGUS😳"

f = Foo[int]()

KotlinIsland avatar Dec 15 '22 00:12 KotlinIsland

If you hate explicit Any for whatever reason and your type variable is covariant you can use object; if it's contravariant you can use Never.

that won't work for bounded TypeVars, which is what my proposed ... syntax aims to solve:

class Foo: ...

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Foo, covariant=True)

class Bar(Generic[T]):

# error: Type argument "object" of "Bar" must be a subtype of "Foo"  [type-var]
def foo(value: Bar[object]) -> None:

DetachHead avatar Dec 15 '22 01:12 DetachHead

Yes, we have a lot of bound invariant TypeVars. Of course, using Any will work for now, but if the code in the future begins to use the type, it will be unchecked.

This also works in Pyre and pyright, although pyright additionally issues a warning with this usage that "TypeVar T appears only once in function signature."

FWIW you can use an object bound to solve this pyright warning

parched avatar Dec 15 '22 05:12 parched

Does anyone here believe this will be accepted?

gvanrossum avatar Dec 20 '22 18:12 gvanrossum

PEP 696 - Type defaults actually solves most of my use cases for this, if I make the default the same as the bound (including using object when it's unbound). It's even less boilerplate too (X vs X[...]). It doesn't work if there's any specified arguments after specified ones though (e.g., X[..., Y]), but I haven't found a use for that in our codebase yet.

parched avatar Jan 12 '23 21:01 parched

Great! I'm going to close this then.

Like Carl and I mention, the situation in which this exact feature request could theoretically have value is just very specific.

hauntsaninja avatar Jan 12 '23 21:01 hauntsaninja

Sorry for reviving an old issue, but I'd just like to understand what the recommendation is here, and I'm not sure the type defaults PEP solves my use case.

I'm trying to implement a factory pattern along the lines of:

T = TypeVar("T")

class Runner(Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, arg: str) -> None:
        self.arg = arg
    def run(self, value: T) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def result(self) -> T:
        raise NotImplementedError

class IntRunner(Runner[int]):

class StringRunner(Runner[str]):

RunnerFactory = Callable[[str], Runner[T]]

def get_runner(runner_type: str, arg: str) -> Runner[...]:
    runners: dict[str, RunnerFactory[...]] = {
        "int": IntRunner,
        "string": StringRunner,
    return runners[runner_type](arg)

runner = get_runner("string", "my_arg")
runner.run(10) # this should error! - run should be inferred as (Never) -> None
result = runner.result() # should probably be inferred as object (maybe Never?)
print(runner.arg) # ok! arg doesn't depend on T

Is there a way currently to annotate something like this without losing typing safety? None of the following options work here:

  • RunnerFactory[Any] means we lose type safety so run(10) type checks even when requesting a Runner[str]
  • RunnerFactory[object] fails due to the type invariance (and also it would be wrong anyway - run shouldn't accept an object)
  • RunnerFactory[Never] doesn't work again due to the invariance, though in terms of intent it would have been an acceptable solution if it had worked
  • RunnerFactory[T] causes Mypy to complain (probably for good reason - and runner: Runner[T] = get_runner(...) doesn't make sense anyway since T is not bound there)

I am still very much interested in wildcard support!

arvidfm avatar Jan 08 '24 13:01 arvidfm

This was closed? Oh well, I'm still thinking of implementing this in basedmypy.

KotlinIsland avatar Jan 08 '24 15:01 KotlinIsland

@arvidfm I don't think this issue would help you.

If you don't want to give up type safety, you can use overloads and literals. You can also use a union type and force caller to assert.

hauntsaninja avatar Jan 08 '24 20:01 hauntsaninja

@hauntsaninja I'm pretty sure this issue is what I need. What I described is the exact behaviour of Kotlin's * which this issue was inspired by.

This code works just as expected in Kotlin:

open class Runner<T>(val arg: String) {
    fun run(value: T) {

    fun result(): T {

class IntRunner(arg: String) : Runner<Int>(arg)

class StringRunner(arg: String) : Runner<String>(arg)

fun getRunner(runnerType: String, arg: String): Runner<*> {
    val runners = mapOf<String, (String) -> Runner<*>>(
    	"int" to ::IntRunner,
        "string" to ::StringRunner,
    return runners[runnerType]!!(arg)

fun main() {
    val runner = getRunner("string", "my_arg")
    runner.run(52) // ERROR: The integer literal does not conform to the expected type Nothing
    val result: Int = runner.result() // ERROR: Type mismatch: inferred type is Any? but Int was expected
    println(runner.arg) // ok!

Note how T is inferred as Nothing (Kotlin's Never) when used as input, and as Any? (equivalent to object - superclass + nullable) when used as output.

Overloads/unions aren't particularly helpful here since in reality my factory dict contains at least 10+ items and counting, so that would be horrendously verbose. Imagine a union like RunnerFactory[int] | RunnerFactory[str] | RunnerFactory[bool] | ... (RunnerFactory[int | str | bool] wouldn't work here). Even if you created an alias for that it would be a pain to maintain.

arvidfm avatar Jan 08 '24 20:01 arvidfm

Tracking it here: https://github.com/KotlinIsland/basedmypy/issues/30. Not on any radar at the moment though.

KotlinIsland avatar Jan 08 '24 23:01 KotlinIsland

Note you can get something vaguely similar by doing:

def get_runner(runner_type: str, arg: str) -> Runner[T]:
    runners: dict[str, RunnerFactory[Any]] = {
        "int": IntRunner,
        "string": StringRunner,
    return runners[runner_type](arg)

This will make mypy force the caller to add an annotation when doing runner = get_runner(...)

hauntsaninja avatar Jan 08 '24 23:01 hauntsaninja

There's nothing stopping the user from just accidentally specifying the wrong annotation though which introduces a lot of room for user error. Plus, really the only safe annotation there would be runner: Runner[Never], which doesn't work if the type variable has constraints, and is still less nice than the behaviour of * in Kotlin (inferring out values as Any?/object).

Could this issue be reopened maybe, since it seems there's still a need that none of the other suggested approaches address?

arvidfm avatar Jan 09 '24 00:01 arvidfm


hauntsaninja avatar Jan 09 '24 00:01 hauntsaninja

One alternative to ... could be to use _ instead:

runners: dict[str, RunnerFactory[_]] = {
    "int": IntRunner,
    "string": StringRunner,

which somewhat matches how _ is commonly used in e.g. pattern matching to mean "whatever". There's some related discussion about notation over at the HKT issue - worth noting that the "something that will be supplied elsewhere" part isn't really applicable here. In the context of this issue the wildcard means "I don't care what this is at all".

arvidfm avatar Jan 15 '24 22:01 arvidfm

@arvidfm the issue is that _ is just an ordinary name, and would both need to be initialized beforehand, and somehow understood by the type machinery.

Additionally, _ is often used in the place of unused variables:

a, *_, b = something()

KotlinIsland avatar Jan 15 '24 23:01 KotlinIsland

@KotlinIsland That's true, any PEP about this would have to give _ special meaning when used as a type parameter, and I can't say whether there's any precedence for that. ~~I also wonder if there are weird values that a user might assign to _ that would break evaluation~~*. Though with deferred evaluation of annotations I don't think it would be unreasonable to have the annotation parser interpret _ differently from other scopes. Might be as easy as just injecting a variable _ with some special WildcardType value into the local scope when evaluating the annotation.

*Edit: Of course there are, assigning any value would break evaluation when not using deferred evaluation

arvidfm avatar Jan 15 '24 23:01 arvidfm