Arthur Hsu

Results 16 issues of Arthur Hsu

Environment: macOS Mojave 10.14.3 Macbook Pro 2018 OpenVanilla 1.4.0 (3250) 使用行列輸入法時某些字無法上字 哇哈哈 的 哈 不能 的 不 Tried both system's Note and Chrome

Number 1 feature request

Use async await function to make code more readable/maintainable, for example: However, Lovefield uses a lot of parallelization techniques, so caveats pointed out in needs to be kept...

help wanted
good first issue

Currently only Chrome on Mac is tested. Need to add at least the following: Chrome: Mac/Windows/iOS/Android Edge: Windows Safari: Mac/iOS Nice to haves: Firefox: Windows Opera: Windows


Join ordering is a pretty heavy concept in query optimization. The available approaches can get very involved and maybe outside the scope of Lovefield. As an example of different levels...

If an index exists for a MIN or MAX query, the answer can be retrieved in almost constant time by looking up the index, no need for calculation.

var updateExpression = { vars: [employee.salary], fn: function(x) { return x * 1.1; } }; db.update(employee). set(employee.salary, updateExpression). set(employee.bonus, 0). where(;

Example schema var tableBuilder = new lf.schema.TableBuilder('Table'); tableBuilder. addColumn('employeeId', lf.Type.INTEGER). addUnique('uq_employeeId', ['employeeId']). addForeignKey('fkemployeeId', { local: 'employeeId', ref: '' }); var schema = tableBuilder.getSchema(); This schema will cause 2 indices to...

Current signature always returns an array, while majority of in-field case just needs a value. May consider to implement a different signature/path to optimize the join operations.