Arthur Hsu

Results 9 comments of Arthur Hsu

Repro video:

影片應該是可以打開的,測試的結果發現若勾選了 Enforce special code ("Quick Mode" or Force SP) 則行列輸入法無法上字 測試的字串 "打不出來" "oad1z dd vkk "

Quite a bunch stuff missing in lower level API. 1. cross session mutex/semaphore (I think this is currently drafted) 2. low level APIs allowing page swaps, this includes a. transactional,...

The design of `BackStore` is an abstraction layer to provide a backing storage for query engine. The requirement is the backing store needs to support ACID style transaction. IndexedDB, LocalStorage...

See if you can pass Lovefield's mocha test suite. If so that would be promising. That means, you should be writing something like memory_back_store_test.ts and run using gulp test.

That's an interesting idea. Something like this? var insertStmt = { into: 'Table1', values: ?1 }; var query = db.prepare(insertStmt); query.bind(['1', '2', '3']); query.commit();

Think more about it, the search condition will be problematic. var selectStmt = { projectionList: ['', ''], from: ['tablea', 'tableb'], where: [' == abc'] } This kind of things are...

I think one benefit to call out here is to transpile things across the board. The same JSON can be easily consumed by JavaScript, Java, Swift, C++, C#, or whatever...

I think one thing here is to remove the existing JSON schema design. If JSON is desired then it shall be in a more consistent way than what's designed now...