Artem Hurzhii
Artem Hurzhii
Is there any chance of adding colorizing to the other commands, like `tail/head/more/less`, etc? As an option, you can forward all arguments to the command(let's take `tail` as an example)....
Allow [host]( and [namespace]( be empty strings? ```js // app/services/ajax.js export default AjaxService.extend({ host: '', namespace: '/api/v1', }); ``` ```js // Some controller/component action this.ajax.request('/some-url', { namespace: '/' }); //...
.htaccess - Web server software [svg image]( nginx.conf - HTTP and reverse proxy server [svg image]( .raml - RESTful API Modeling Language [svg image]( .babelrc - Babel config file [svg...
We have input fields on which validation runs after `focus-out`, and because of that I need to write tests like this: ```js module('Integration | Component | login-form', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks);...
[Issue]( TODO: - [x] @san650 Is API ok? - [ ] Add support for the async `before` and `after` hooks? - [ ] Tests - [ ] Docs @san650 Is...
**Having:** ```js // - app/ // - services/ // - actions/ // - user.js // - dude.js import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; export default Service.extend({ actions:...
I was getting TS errors as JQuery is undefined ``` node_modules/ember-cli-page-object/types/index.d.ts:64:87 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'JQuery'. 64 function findElement(pageObject: Component, scope?: string, options?: FindOptions): JQuery; ~~~~~~ node_modules/ember-cli-page-object/types/index.d.ts:65:97 -...
My use case ```hbs Edit something {{#power-select options=options selected=selected onchange=(action 'onchange') as |option|}} {{}} {{/power-select}} ``` What I need - is to prevent `openSomething` action from firing, when I'm trying...