Ariya Hidayat

Results 30 issues of Ariya Hidayat

Currently each tool only processes one file at a time. Enhancement: allow passing wildcards or a list of file names.

Add CSSLint as one of the included tools. CSSLint repository is

Notable to include JSMin and update the existing tools.

Add CoffeeScript compiler as one of the included tools. CoffeeScript repository is

The output of JSLint and JSHint should be optionally matched to what vim expects. This way, it is possible to use quickfix with either JSLint or JSHint. See also

Althought it is dangerous, overwrite mode can be useful for jsbeautify and cssbeautify. This can be a command-line option, e.g. --overwrite.

And publish it!


Insert a simple tracer before executing every statement. This is similiar to the function entrance and function exit (still planned) tracing, but having it per statement.


Might need to import Esprima as a third-party library.


_**[[email protected]]( commented:**_ > We should use 4-space indentation. > > Also, the code should pass JSLint checks. **Disclaimer:** This issue was migrated on 2013-03-15 from the project's former issue tracker...
