Ariya Hidayat

Results 60 comments of Ariya Hidayat

I'm going to cheat here: instead of one best thing, I'll mention two: **the technology** and **the team**. Stay tuned for a more elaborate answer for each of them.

Indeed, the README will be populated with more info in the near future.

Good catch @johnkpaul! @sethmcl when the official package is ready, would you let me push a new update to that package?

Just read for some background.

Off the top of my head, triaging the existing and incoming issue can be crowd-sourced rather easily. Examples of such activities: - Stop everyone who is doing "+1". It's noisy...

@zackw who is been doing a lot of triaging probably has an idea or two. @zackw Feel free to chime in!

If we discover a suitable continuous build system (#13828) and its cost is not zero, then that's one aspect where some limited funding could be useful.

Other things you can do: - Help us figuring out the best **continuous build** system. See #13828 for further details. - Help us to set up a **user discussion forum**....

@gsouf For specific discussion on lowering the barrier to contribution, let's have it at #14543.

@jesg I'm not sure, we need to figure something out. Please open a new issue and let's discuss it!