
Results 11 comments of Arik

@pi0 thanks. Is there anything else I'm required to do to get this PR merged?

Thank you for the suggestion. BTW, the extension you linked to isn't maintained by me.

Great, thanks. Will look into it for the next release. If you'd like to contribute a PR, it'd speed things up.

Thank you for the heads-up. If you'd be able to contribute to the migration, it would be of great help to me.

Hi, I'm not sure I understand. Can you please elaborate?

Thank you for your suggestion. Do you think that adding a query param with the extension ID to the reload triggering url (e.g., `http://reload.extensions?id=EXT_ID`) would be enough?

Thank you for your suggestion. Further investigation is needed to determine if it's possible to achieve such functionality. If you would be able to contribute a PR, it would be...

By "committed" I mean that I'm expecting the insertion that happens in the 2nd query to appear immediately in the DB. Yes, `autocommit` is enabled. So if I have a...

@sidorares thanks for the suggestion. Instead of introducing a special `PROCEDURE` to our system, as suggest in SO, I'm running a `query('ROLLBACK;')` when `query()` returns with a failure, and that...