Arda Erzin
Arda Erzin
our testable components which use next/image are configured this way: ``` import * as NextImage from 'next/image'; const OriginalNextImage = NextImage.default; if (process.env.TEST_ENV === 'vreg') { Object.defineProperty(NextImage, 'default', { configurable:...
@fwouts no worries. I just tried your suggestion, multiple times, but was not able to reproduce it.
@fwouts we were using Percy before, so to keep things consistent, I was trying the Percy shooter. today I gave the playwright shooter a go, and I do not experience...
@fwouts yes that seems to be the case. having no issues with the playwright shooter now. if it happens again, I'll update this ticket with further info
@zmartell I was able to get this working by wrapping the image in another component AND not passing a src prop. ``` import Img from 'react-optimized-image' const MyImage = ({...
@mstllc hey sorry I just saw this (also saw how the initial message was butchered by iOS autocorrect). we are using `reg-simple-keygen-plugin` instead of `reg-keygen-git-hash-plugin` we keep folder named `master`...