Samuel Teixeira Santos
Samuel Teixeira Santos
@stickyfingies I think that this link not fullfill the purpose of this repo, because here the purpose it's to learn by doing, building. That link it's just a journal of...
I always liked the icon located on top-left corner of the window. Actually, I've always thought that was the real icon. And since I know this tool, I've always get...
I had the same problem reported by @gnbl for this Gehaka G810 humidity measurer hardware. After intense googling, serial tutorials', examples, how-tos about serials comunication's I finally get here today....
much thanks for all. works perfect on gNewSense 2.3 - deltah
@davidsharp I would like to add and see the comments of everyone about your questions at end, about what option could be the simple path to achieve the goal: electron...
Please, could you show how did you set proxy?
I would like to participate as viewer only if it's possible, initially...