Results 8 issues of CYZ

Hi, In raw.hpp, for signed int 32, it looks like some value will have unpack errors. For example ,if I pack value "0x90000000"(whose binary code is 10010000000000000000000000000000 and in demical...

ResultEntity中,若传入数组,那么序列化ResultEntity会出现空字符串。 ## 测试代码 ``` @Test public void any() throws Exception{ DynamicBytes db = new DynamicBytes(new byte[]{1,2,3}); ResultEntity resultEntity = new ResultEntity("aa","bytes",db ); System.out.println(JsonUtils.toJson(resultEntity)); Bytes3 bytes32 = new Bytes3(new byte[]{1,2,3}); resultEntity...

## Description My spacemesh node version is 1.2.13 and I deployed it on Ubuntu 18. The server has 8g+ memory and has plenty of disk. I don't use it smesh...


I'm using Smapp 1.2.9 on Mac. Steps to produce: 1)I create a fully new address with no gas in it, then I build a spawn transaction to test my sdk....


事件的indexed字段未解析,只解析了非indexed字段 如果要解析indexed字段,需要从Log的topics字段取数据: - topics[0]代表事件topic本身 - topics[1]对应第一个indexed字段,topics[2]对应第二个indexed字段,以此类推 非indexed字段从Log的data字段解析即可

在sdk中的ContractABIDefinition类中,事件主题的计算方式逻辑如下: ![企业微信截图_16306675012145]( 这样的话,就截取了sha3([事件签名])的前4字节,得到结果类似于: “0xb8b1cbdd” 但是交易回执抛出的事件中,其实事件topics是应该保存整个32字节的,例如 “0x8d85a70fd2c5d140a4a01143492d27ff82cfad4cead313e66c53f39b0feb5e0f” 这造成的后果是,ContractABIDefinition类的eventTopicsToEvents就没有办法直接拿来匹配交易回执中的事件主题了。 解决办法: 修改ContractABIDefinition.addEvent方法,不要再复用methodId的生成方法,直接对事件签名做sha3即可。


Hi, I'm working on signature related development and I find that signing alogrithm in eosjs-ecc yields different signature from that in eos!!!! Both tag is dawn-v4.0.0. Reproduce steps: Firstly let's...